#gamesweekberlin successfully opened

Monday evening saw the #gamesweekberlin officially opened in front of 300 invited guests from the games industry as well as the worlds of media, business and politics. The Opening Gala also served for the first time as the venue for the presentation of the newly created MEDIENPREIS GAMES in four categories to honour outstanding journalism about computer and video games. Around 15,000 visitors are expected to attend 12 individual events until Sunday, 29 April. The #gamesweekberlin is aimed at gaming fans and professional delegates alike and brings together various aspects, issues and target groups within the industry.

More than 100 articles, videos or podcasts were submitted for the MEDIENPREIS GAMES, with four winners being selected from the 12 nominees:

Category REVIEW
Title: Seekrank im Büro
Author: Jan Bojaryn
Published: 27 November, 2017, WASD-Magazin

Category TEXT
Title: Ork hinter Gittern
Author: Hannah Knuth
Published: 1 June, 2017, Zeit Online

Category VIDEO
Titel: Ultraviolence & häusliche Gewalt: Sonys thematisches Schleudertrauma
Author: Robin Schweiger
Published: 2 November, 2017, Hooked Magazin

Category AUDIO
Title: Die Evolution von Thumper
Author: Daniel Ziegener
Published: 25 July, 2017, Superlevel

The nominees and winners were selected by the MEDIENPREIS GAMES jury, consisting of, Christian Alt (Bayerischer Rundfunk), Heiko Gogolin (Rocket Beans), Judith Liere (stern), Petra Fröhlich (GamesWirtschaft), Henriette Löwisch (DJS München), Matze Hielscher (Mit Vergnügen), Dirk von Gehlen(Süddeutsche Zeitung), Stephan ‚Fabu’ Günther (ZDF), and Viola Tensil(Vorzocker). The Medienpreis Games was devised as a collaboration between Booster Space, the journalist Matthias Huber (Süddeutsche Zeitung) and students of the University of Potsdam.

The Opening Gala is organised by Freaks 4U Gaming and supported by Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg.

Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg supports the #gamesweekberlin and numerous of its individual events. More information and tickets at www.gamesweekberlin.com

#gamesweekberlin successfully opened #gamesweekberlin successfully opened Reviewed by Tech News 24h on Rating: 5