Anime Ascension 2018 Tournament Winners Announced

With the latest installment of Anime Ascension in the books, we here at Aksys Games just wanted to thank everyone who showed up to compete, play casual matches, or tune into the streams this year. Without our fans, we literally wouldn't exist.

Also we wanted to take the time to acknowledge the Top 8 finishers in the main tournament games. Congratulations to all.

Guilty Gear Xrd REV2
1 (r/Kappa|Daru_I-No)
2 (UYU|Kizzie Kay)
3 (BjornSonOfBear)
4 (FG@UCI|ZotBuster ZotBuster)
5 (Hamad)
5 (Kid Viper)
7 (FF|ElvenShadow)
7 (fadooglee)

Dragon Ball FighterZ
1 (PAG.WN|LostSoul)
2 (Reynald)
3 (tatsunical)
4 (Ninjaelephant)
5 (brkrdave)
7 (FOX|Theo)
7 (Kyoku236HS)

BlazBlue: Central Fiction
1 (PG|SKD)
2 (Jona)
3 (brkrdave)
4 (Betadood)
5 (UYU|Beautifuldude)
5 (Taihenna)
7 (Nano)
7 (Method|Flux)

Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st]
1 (Lolimaiko)
2 (Squish)
3 (Trill)
4 (Tari)
5 (Clim)
5 (guillotine gorilla)
7 (brkrdave)

And finally, special thanks to the following folks for making the magic happen and for imposing order on the chaos that always accompanies even the best planned events:

Fighting Game Club at UC Irvine (@fgcuci ) for running the brackets, setting up the venue and otherwise doing the heavy lifting.

Level Up Series (@leveluplive) for hosting and running the main stream

Esports Arena (@esportsarena ) for providing monitors and other equipment

Red Bull Esports (@redbullesports ) for material support

Arc System Works (@ArcSystemWorksU) for providing the BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle demo

Eric "Numakie" Gutierrez (@Numakie) for running and streaming the side tournaments.

Once again, thanks to everyone who helped make Anime Ascension 2018 a success!

Anime Ascension 2018 Tournament Winners Announced Anime Ascension 2018 Tournament Winners Announced Reviewed by Tech News 24h on Rating: 5

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